Moving House During Bad Weather: 3 Ways To Keep Your Belongings Safe

Posted on: 28 August 2017

No-one wants to move house on a day it is pouring with rain, but there are some events you just can't predict, and a feisty Queensland summer storm is one of them. When you have no chance to postpone the move, there are several things you can do to reduce the impact the bad weather has. Your main priority during the storm is to keep your belongings and the removalists safe, and there are three ways you can do this.

Truck location

The space between your front door and the back of the truck needs to be reduced to the smallest distance possible during a rainy day move. If it is an option, get the removalist to back the truck up to the garage door and move all your items through the garage.

However, while getting the truck close is the number one goal, you also need to be mindful of damage to driveways and wet dirt on each side of the driveway caused by a moving truck. A large moving truck weighs a lot more than your family sedan, and you don't want the added cost of repairing a ripped up driveway after the truck has left. Discuss with the movers the least damaging spot to park the truck so that it is closest to your house.

Reduce the chance of slipping

As the removalists move quickly back and forth from the truck loading your items, you must reduce the chance of them slipping and falling while carrying your things. One way to do this is to take a pile of towels and form a path from the front door to the moving truck. While this option does leave you with a pile of dirty towels to wash after the house is empty, there is less chance of accidental breakage occurring.

Also, if rain is forecast for your moving day, make sure you clean the pathway of slippery green algae. Removing algae reduces the chance of someone falling over in the rain.

Have tarps and moving blankets ready

Tarps and moving blankets can be purchased at your local hardware store, and the removalist will have moving blankets too. Throw these over your belongings (particularly electronics and furniture) when moving them out to the truck. They don't offer long-term protection from rain, but these cloaking items are enough to keep most of the rain off when an item is being moved a short distance.

Finally, talk to your removalist the day before the move if any bad weather is on the horizon as they may have further suggestions of ways to keep everyone and everything safe and dry.
